Août 2023, F.
Insultée, menacée : traumatisée
“A quiet afternoon in my appartment in F. A Musician, I was still practicing a DJ set with my friend (we had decided to stop after an hour and a half of rehearsal). The music was not that loud as I have 2 small speakers at home and no bass. My door was open because my cat was doing her daily tour on the staircase.
My neighbour who had arrived at his office downstairs started shouting. I came down and told him to calm down, that I was working, that I would stop soon and that he would hear nothing once I close the door. He nevertheless threatened to call the cops and I personally did not believe him as it was in the daytime. But he did.
Just a bit later the police rings the intercom. They tell me they received a call of distress. It was my downstairs neighbour, whom on another occassion had made the hitler sign to my face. He did not say it was a noise complaint, he had said that there was a domestic fight upstairs in my appartment.
I explained to the police that I was just listening to music. They came upstairs to my door. One officer was being super manipulative to try and get into my flat. I did not let them. They seemed to know the neighbor as they greeted him by his name and then they proceeded to tell me to switch the music off. I tried to explain that I was doing nothing wrong and that they had no reason to be at my door.
That is when they started escalating by threatening me with a fine, throwing insults, threatening to take me and my friend to the station. I stood my grounds and told them they needed to leave as they were abusing their power at that stage. One of the 2 cops tried twice to bang my door shut in my face while keeping his hand on the handle to block me and my friend inside the flat because he did not want to hear me anymore. At that stage I started shouting and telling them I would file a complaint and asked them for their names.
They started mocking me and refused to identify themselves. One cop started to push the other one down the stairs because it had escalated so much and they obviously had no legal power at that point to do anything. On the way down I hear them greet the neighbor nicely while they were hurling insults at me!
My friend took a small video of them shouting down the stairs. Then I went to my balcony and heard the most aggressive cop starting telling me to come downstairs and talk to them there if I dared. Giving me the middle finger, mocking me, and ridiculing my French all the time on the pavement in the public space.
At some point I told him in English that I spoke 4 languages and asked him how many he spoke and that I had this scene on video. The calmer cop tried to get his colleague to stop but he looked like he was pumped up on drugs. The calmer one also threatened me if I posted his face online, while the aggressive one took a video with his phone of me.
Finally they got in their car and left but used their megaphone to continue insulting me as they drove off. All this for music/work in the safety of my private home in the daytime !!!!! I was lucky my kids were not home because it was ugly. There was racism, mysoginy, class, corruption and it made me feel very violated and frustrated and sad. I feel very unsafe in my home. I am struggling with anxiety since it happened.”
Violences physiques
Coups de pieds, coups de poings, gifles | |
Pied/genou sur la nuque, le thorax ou le visage | |
Coups à terre ou alors que la victime est maîtrisé.e | |
Coups sur les oreilles | |
Étranglement | |
Clés aux bras douloureuses | |
Doigts retournés | |
Arrosage | |
Morsures de chien | |
Pare-chocage (percussion par un véhicule de police) | |
Tirage par les cheveux | |
Serrage douloureux des colsons ou des menottes | |
Tirage par les colsons ou des menottes | |
Usage de gants | |
Usage d’arme à feu | |
Usage de « Bean bags » (un sac de coton contenant de minuscules billes de plomb) | |
Usage de FlashBall | |
Usage de grenade assourdissante | |
Usage de grenade de désencerclement | |
Usage de grenade lacrymogène | |
Usage de LBD40 | |
Usage de matraques | |
Usage de spray lacrymogène | |
Usage de Taser |
Violences psychologiques
Accusation de trouble à l’ordre public | |
Accusation de rébellion | |
Accusation de coups à agent | |
Accusation de menace à agent | |
Accusation d’injure à agent | |
Menace avec une arme de poing | |
X | Agressivité, manque de respect, insultes |
Appel à faire cesser les souffrances restés sans effet | |
X | Propos sexistes |
Propos homophobes | |
X | Propos racistes |
Violences de la part de collègues policiers | |
Passivité des collègues policiers | |
X | Défaut ou refus d’identification des policiers |
Contrôle d’identité à titre vexatoire ou d’intimidation | |
Intimidation ou arrestation des témoins | |
Obstacle à la prise d’images | |
Refus de prévenir ou de téléphoner | |
Refus d’administrer un éthylotest | |
Refus de serrer la ceinture pendant le transport | |
Refus d’acter une plainte | |
Refus de soins ou de médicaments | |
Mensonges, dissimulations, disparition de preuves | |
Déshabillage devant témoins de l’autre sexe | |
Flexions à nu devant témoins | |
Insuffisance ou absence de surveillance pendant la détention | |
Absence de signature du Registre des effets personnels lors de la détention | |
Pression pour signer des documents | |
X | Absence de procès-verbal |
Privations pendant la détention (eau, nourriture) | |
Conditions sanitaires inappropriées pendant la détention (température, hygiène, lumière) | |
Complaisance des médecins | |
Nassage (enfermement de manifestants dans une souricière) | |
Position inconfortable prolongée |
Témoignage ObsPol
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- Dernière mise à jour : il y a 11 mois - Publié le